Blogeinträge von Deyaneira Santiago-Aponte
In How I Found America, the narrator lived under constant trepidation and oppression in a place surrounded by inhumane conditions. She longed for a free, beautiful life in America just like her family and an infinite number of immigrants. Ultimately, she got a huge reality check. During her cultural transition, what I found most remarkable was the way she was able to see different elements of Sukovoly portrayed in New York. This included many ideas that she thought wouldn't exist in America such as poverty, slavery, and (metaphorically) the Cossack. It was an interesting way to epitomize that even if you think you've successfully run away from your past, it can still haunt you and/or show up in new forms.
Constantly throughout life, there are numerous expectations to be met or fulfilled; however, many times the actual outcome may not be a favorable one. This is the point where decisions have to be made in order to handle life's challenges and not fall into complete despair. The one virtue I can gain from the narrator is the growth she had with respect to her attitude. After all, she is relatable to me in many ways. She is at constant war with herself, she is driven, she has hopes and dreams, and she questions why things are the way they are. Yes, there is a moment where her character collapses and has an identity crisis, but nonetheless, she keeps trying to find what she is searching for. She had to accept the reality of the façade America portrayed, but managed to prevail and find a friend along the way. Like the narrator, each one of us should embody William A. Donohue's quote: "Remain firm about your goals, but flexible about your methods."