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Imagen de Barbara Manfredi
de Barbara Manfredi - martes, 23 de agosto de 2016, 18:31
Todo el mundo

Hi everybody,

the presentation will discuss in detail the first 6 pages, focusing on the techniques used. I will not present the passages of the protocol in detail, for obvious issues of time and because will be quite boring listening the details of the reagents and trouble shooting.

see you tomorrow


Asociado Curso: BIOL6996-053-2016S1


    Imagen de JENNY ROCA-RUIZ
    de JENNY ROCA-RUIZ - martes, 23 de agosto de 2016, 14:33
    Todo el mundo
    Attached is the group assignment for "What are Universities for?"


      Imagen de Valeria Trinidad-Diaz
      de Valeria Trinidad-Diaz - lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016, 18:04
      Todo el mundo



        Imagen de Valeria Trinidad-Diaz
        de Valeria Trinidad-Diaz - lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016, 07:37
        Todo el mundo

        He buscado y rebuscado el prontuario de Cálculo I en la página del Departamento de Matemáticas de la facultad de Ciencias Naturales donde he accedido a la página de cursos de Cálculo I, lo cual sólo contiene información vieja; del semestre anterior.  He verificado las descripciones de cursos del departamento, y al seleccionar MATE 3151, y su prontuario respectivo, aparece información del prontuario de MATE 3018.

        ¿Dónde está nuestro prontuario?

        El profesor indicó que está disponible en línea.  
        ¿Será que todos lo han encontrado?  Vamos.  Tírenme la soga.


        Asociado Curso: MATE3151-003-2016S1
        [ Modificado: sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016, 14:48 ]


          Imagen de Valeria Trinidad-Diaz
          de Valeria Trinidad-Diaz - viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016, 16:06
          Imagen de Karla Cruz Crespo
          de Karla Cruz Crespo - jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016, 09:22
          Todo el mundo

          Estudiante de contabilidad y finanzas, Actualmente curso mi quinto año. Pertenezco al equipo de Tenis de Mesa de la universidad.

          Asociado Curso: FINA4020-0U1-2016S1
          [ Modificado: jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016, 09:23 ]


            foto azul
            de Alexandra Pagan-Velez - miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016, 14:16
            Todo el mundo

            En este pdf pueden encontrar la rebelión de Enriquillo. También les incluyo el libro en su totalidad y un enlace en el cual puede acceder a otros fragmentos de la Historia de Indias (


            NOTA: también aparece algo de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, pero no está relacionado con De las Casas.

            Asociado Curso: ESPA4231-001-2016S1
            [ Modificado: miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016, 14:31 ]


              Todo el mundo

                         After I read "My New World Journey", I was amazed because I never thought how much Nola struggled to be where she is right now. When Nola was explaining what was happening between the Tutsi and the Hutu tribes, I understood why their parents moved out to Burundi, country in which Nola was born and raised with her other six siblings. As she was telling how life was grueling in Burundi since the rivalry between the aforementioned tribes, I realized how hard it is to move out from your country to another one to survive and have a better life. In addition, I was shocked when she pointed out that some people were asking her about her country and Africa in general in a humorous way. This confirms how some people's ignorance can hurt immigrants.

                        However, I never studied every country of the world carefully. But I was in Nola's shoes all the time because I understand how struggling life can be, especially if you have to adapt yourself in a country that you have never been before. It is pitiful to witness some people having no respect towards immigrants. In other words, they are extremely xenophobic and show no empathy at all. It is a shame that some individuals do not understand how immigrants have to adapt to their countries' environments and lifestyles. For example, in America you have to apply for your Social Security card, if you want to live in America. Sadly, they also think that Africa is a country and they labeled it as a country with no technology. Besides, Africa is a continent and it has more than 50 countries. But this does not happen only to Africa, it happens to other continents and other countries. I always have the following question: Why some human beings have little or no empathy towards immigrants?

              Asociado Curso: INGL3135-001-2016S1
              [ Modificado: lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016, 16:26 ]


                Imagen de Riccardo Papa
                de Riccardo Papa - lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016, 13:29
                Todo el mundo

                This is a PPT with a general introduction of the course

                Asociado Curso: BIOL3349-002-2016S1
