Entrada del blog por Jaen M Melendez-Rodriguez

Imagen de Jaen M Melendez-Rodriguez
de Jaen M Melendez-Rodriguez - martes, 23 de agosto de 2016, 21:29
Todo el mundo

Estefania L Virella Rosa

Jaen M. Meléndez Rodríguez

Prof. Petra Avillan

Ingl 3123 001

What Are Universities For?


                The universities started showing up in the mid XIX century the same time where there was a great decrease in the power of religion. At the time many had questions about life and it's meaning, about themselves, they searched for wisdom. Not getting the answers they wanted, people sought for them in universities.


                Universities where built to teach people how to make a living and give them "keys" to attain the job they want. People often hope that in the university they will finally get important answers to questions like: who thay are, where our society should be headed, how can they be happier and more fulfilled, certain things needed to truly have the life they want, not only the job they want. The video states that if you were to go to any university in the world and start making questions like: "where should I go with my life", "what is my purpose", "how can we change the horrible and wrong things with the world" You wont get an answer, they don't promote that type of thinking.  Thats why in What are universities for?the speaker proposes that future universities should change departments like philosophy for a department of relationships, death, anxiety management, and self-knowledge to reflect the actual priorities of our life so we can live happily, with a full potential, to maybe get to answer those important questions we've always had, and to truly understand ourselves and not only how to make money.

Asociado Curso: INGL3123-001-2016S1
[ Modificado: lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016, 10:18 ]