Entrada del blog por Barbara Manfredi

Imagen de Barbara Manfredi
de Barbara Manfredi - jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016, 19:14
Todo el mundo

Hi everybody,

here attached the REPASO for tomorrow.

Please try to solve it for tomorrow so during the repaso every doubt can be clarify.

ALSO, these are the rules for the exam and Dr. Papa told you in the class but I want to remind here clearly because I really want to avoid any misunderstanding the day of the exam.

1) the student can have the exam if and only if has got the university ID with name and student number

2) the bags and the books will be putted near the wall far away from the seat, at the entrance

3) the calculator can be scientific but not graphic

4) the calculator CAN NOT have the cover

5) no computer/smart clock nor phone

6) let know in advance the professor if you need accomodo.. if you forgot to send the paper to justify the accomodo, please do it immediatly.

Also.. We talked about an error in the book. The correct pedigree of the royal family England and Spain about hemophilia (chapter 3 fig.3.24) has to be: Victoria is a carrier.

 check the error in the book about VICTORIA on the side of SPANISH royal family. She was daughter of Beatrice and wife of Alfonso XIII of spain... she has to be a carrier, so it is a circle with a black spot inside!! This why some male sons are affected.



Asociado Curso: BIOL3349-002-2016S1