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Imagen de Angel Sanchez Berrios
de Angel Sanchez Berrios - jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016, 08:55
Todo el mundo

¿Hoy jueves 1 de sept, se dará la clase?

Asociado Curso: EDFI3195-003-2016S1
[ Modificado: jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016, 08:55 ]


    de LUZ A MONTALVO-BATIZ - miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016, 18:28
    Todo el mundo

    Jennifer Sepulveda Moscoso, Christian Marquez Salva, Luz Montalvo Batiz

    Prof. Petra Avillan León

    ING 3103-123       

     August 29, 2016

    Paulo Freire has a preoccupation of the way of thinking in the education. The things we, the students, are given to learn are not putting our critical way of thinking, by this means we are no analyzing, evaluating and expressing our self and opinions. For this, he propose that the teachers and the students to have a different way of thinking, different critically, so the teachers can teach different with the students. Respecting and defending the way the teacher teach and how the students learn, he thinks it’s important to be “democratic and tolerant” by this he means taking for granted the opinions and point of view of others and respecting that. From his curiosity, Freire has learn that in the process of being curious there a moral excellence of being tolerant. By being tolerant he understands and with understanding he learns different things from different people. Curiosity is the force that moves him to keep learning until the day he dies and to invest time on what calls your attention. Tolerance and respect are the ingredients to work with others and learn from them.
                Everyone has their right to speak their opinions and way of thinking, how they express their opinions and way of thinking is also a right. People have different ways of speaking and talking and that is totally okay. There is no accent better or good than other accents. “it is necessary to explain, to make clear to the kids or the adults that their way of speaking is as beautiful as our way of speaking.” Says Freire in the interview. By this he means that how someone speaks is no more of less than how others speak.


      Todo el mundo

      Alejandra Bahri Vélez


      Caleb Rodríguez Pérez



      Prof. Petra Avillan


      Summary: Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed


               Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire says that there is a major problem on the education system and it has been going on since 19th century. Freire central his point in the problem of banking and problem-posing. Teachers want students to come to class quiet and copy and learn everything that they are told to teach. The students are the bank and the teacher is the depositor. Students should not know more than what they are thought. They do not want students to exceed the limits, if they do, then they are a threat to the society. That is why Paulo wants the education system to be taught with problem-posing, because this challenges the student to think more and dialogue. It opens their minds. But this type of system is not beneficial to society because it makes them analyze their surroundings and question types of decisions made.


        Todo el mundo

        Zuania Tollinchi Velázquez                        José A. Mariani Vázquez

        Luis Villanueva Pagan                        Génesis Yudmé Galán Canales 

        Lizamarie Rojas Rodríguez

        English 3103-115

        Petra E. Avillan-Leon


        21st Century Skills: The Challenges Ahead

        Andrew J. Rotherham and Daniel Willingham

        According to Rotherham and Willingham to be successful today, the society like business leaders, politicians and educators believe that students need these skills, but they are not part of the teaching process in the 21st century. What can we do? The system is never going to change but is a task of the teacher or professor to provide the newest education, of course, but inside the lines of the system. The authors explain that these skills are taught in private schools who has the instruments or in others words the money to provide each student the latest improvement in education. What about public schools? In the system there are good and bad teachers but is the students who seek their own education. They need to collaborate with each other to ensure, not only the privileged ones, a rich education in all parts. Critical thinking, problem solving, information literacy and global awareness are not new skills. In this point of the century we need others skills to survive in this highly qualified world of technology. The students require complex challenges. Like Rotherham and Willingham said “revamp human capital education in particular how teachers are trained” because they are in charge to the first steps of motivating the future societies.

        Skill and knowledge are not separates things, they are connected. Knowledge can help us see the core of a problem but to resolve it you would need thinking and problem solving skills to work through it. There are other situations where we have a particular thinking skill but content knowledge is necessary if we are to use our thinking skill. For example, if you want to criticize the information that is written in a Puerto Rican’s history book, you would have to know this resources. In that way, you need content knowledge to use your skills properly and effectively. Skills reside in the learner’s brain while content knowledge can be found in a lot of places. Therefore, skills can be seen as essential and content knowledge as desirable.

        The 21st century curriculum is from 1900’s this mean that is an old one, now there is too much knowledge. One issue of the curriculum is that we know how to teach math and science but can’t teach self-direction, collaboration, creativity and innovation the same way. What the plan of the 21st century skills purpose is to give students and experience to develop these skills. Education leaders also have to know which skills are teachable and essential. The idea of the 21st century skill curriculum is to “teach skills in the content knowledge and to treat both as equally important’ (Rotherham; Willingham)

        There has been greater emphasis on skills that has important effect for teacher’s learning. The mission is for the teachers to succeed where past generations have failed. Advocates of the 21st century skills favor students-centered methods: problem-based learning, project-based learning that allows students to collaborate and engage with the community, some of those methods are found in textbooks, teachers believe it’s effective but teachers don’t use them. Another problem is that class sizes are reduced, teachers don’t change their teaching strategies. Sometimes the system doesn’t give the teachers time to share their expertise.

        A problem to solve in this system are the tests and assignments in the schools. Most of them are easy and not challenging in their levels of education. They should make assignments and tests that develop creativity, knowledge and skills learned in class.

        Works Cited

        Andrew, Rotherham J. and Willingham Daniel. "21st Century Skills: The Challenges Ahead." Eductional Leadership (2009): 16-21.


          Imagen de ARIEL A ROLON-LOPEZ
          de ARIEL A ROLON-LOPEZ - martes, 30 de agosto de 2016, 09:58
          Todo el mundo

          Names: Ariel A. Rolón López, Christopher Rodríguez, Laura N. Vázquez, Sebastián Romero

          Professor. Petra Avillan

          ING 3103 sec.123

          30 August 2016

          21st Century Education Skills

                     What are 21st century skills? 21st century means that it’s not 20th century not 19th, meaning that things like time evolve.There will be a major population of indians and the language that most people will speak in China is english. I believe that this is a true statement because english  will become more useful  as  a universal language, nowadays practically everyone speaks english or has to learn english. Through time people discover new things more each and every year. Since technology has been added to schools use, it has permitted students to get information much faster. Since the way we learn is also changing, it is necessary that the way we are taught also changes. In the video of 21st skills is said that teachers should have a more dynamic method of teaching and we agree to this. Ordinary teaching methods are so boring, that people nowadays don’t feel the need to learn but feel obligated. We should use technology so we can evolve or change and use the best of it. Technology is very important for teaching and teachers should make more dynamic classes with technology. We must implement technology so we can be part of this new era or education and learning.

          Asociado Curso: INGL3103-132-2016S1


            Imagen de ISAMAR E SEPULVEDA-APONTE
            de ISAMAR E SEPULVEDA-APONTE - lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016, 23:38
            Todo el mundo

            Go to the attachment for summary.

            Asociado Curso: INGL3103-134-2016S1


              Imagen de JOHN M TIRADO-SANCHEZ
              de JOHN M TIRADO-SANCHEZ - lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016, 20:50
              Todo el mundo
              The summary of the last interview that Paulo Freire did. 


                Imagen de ADAIRA A NERIS-FONSECA
                de ADAIRA A NERIS-FONSECA - lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016, 20:21
                Todo el mundo



                  Imagen de ALONDRA M LLOMPART-MARRERO
                  de ALONDRA M LLOMPART-MARRERO - lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016, 07:24